
New Windsor American Legion Post 1796


Our Preamble & Emblem


Proud possessors of a priceless heritage, we male descendants of veterans of the Great Wars, associate ourselves together as "Sons of The American Legion" for the following purposes:

To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America; to maintain law and order; to foster and perpetuate a true spirit of Americanism; to preserve the memories of our former members and the association of our members and our forefathers in all Wars; to inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the Community, State and Nation; to combat the autocracy of both the classes and the masses; to make right the master of might; to promote peace and good will on earth; to safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom and democracy, to consecrate and sanctify our friendship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness; to adopt in letter and spirit all of the great principles for which The American Legion stands; and to assist in carrying on for God and Country.

The design of our emblem was taken from the emblem of our parent organization,

but is oval in shape so as to be easily distinguished.

The star in the center represents our country, and the five points of the star represent

the five-point program of The Sons of The American Legion.

The sun in the background represents The Sons of The American Legion

and the rays represent the loyalty of its membership.

The blue of the emblem, like the blue of our flag, stands for justice.

The two stars in the blue border stand for freedom and democracy.

The wreath below the star is in memory of our comrades;

and those of our fathers who willingly gave their lives for their country.

The ten points of the emblem represent the ten ideals of every Legion son.